Around the globe we have heard both villager and king declare that the freedom experienced in the USA is a model for all people. This freedom and independence came at a great cost. These brilliant thinkers of 1776 dared to believe in something greater than themselves. Facing fear, they stood up to proclaim new destiny! That’s exactly what we are doing with TENT NATION and the training facility we are developing here in Daytona Beach. From the Shores of the Atlantic to the Shores of the Pacific we are declaring, let freedom ring! For where the Spirit of the Lord is there is true liberty! Awakenings occur as we gather together under the banner of His freedom, expecting great and mighty things to happen in his LOVE!



On this distinguished 4th of July holiday, let this be a declaration day for each household, ministry and business! A group of people with purpose did this in 1776 and affected the whole world! As we are called to affect the whole world, let us arise and declare our freedom from poverty and fear, and declare our alliance with King Jesus! Presidents come and go but the name of the LORD will prevail forever!


We decree and declare the blessing of the Lord over your life, your family, this ministry and all of the partners of Christian Adventures. We declare HIS divine protection prevails over every storm whether spiritual or in the natural!


Enjoy our free gift that we regularly pray over you.


CLICK HERE for the Divine Protection Manifesto!



Regardless of what the media and political pundits say about the “good ole USA,” we choose to meditate on the good promises of the Lord and declare His word!

We proclaim each one of us is fully supplied for every good work! Our forefather’s rally cry for freedom has become the Rally Cry for those held captive to oppression, poverty and fear.

When the fireworks go off we will be shouting, “Hallelujah! Jesus is Lord! We Are Free!”


Happy Fourth of July!


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