Summer Beach Reach

21 Jul Summer Beach Reach

TENT NATION USA is releasing the iMOVE training program in America. iMOVE’s goal is to Motivate Gospel laborers, provide Opportunity for outreach, impart Vision for the lost and Empower soulwinners with the Good News. Whether we are standing in front of the masses, conducting street outreach or releasing another tent, our teams have embraced a successful methodology that is impacting nations.



Our next domestic outreach is Beach Reach, July 22 held here in Daytona Beach. If you would like to tune in via zoom to any of our evangelism training meetings, please go to and sign up. You can also receive information about our fall tent events by signing up. Thank you to the wonderful group of leaders below who are ready to train and assist you in reaching people with the love of God!


We are praying for you and thank you for your support! Your partnership has created a movement of evangelists that are working 24/7 around the globe sharing the Good News!

See you in Daytona!

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