He Is Risen!

09 Apr He Is Risen!

“The Shot Heard Around the World” was a legendary baseball game where victory was snatched from defeat in an epic match between the New York Giants and the Brooklyn Dodgers. This epic match was broadcast to millions, including the servicemen in the Korean War.


As dramatic as that moment was nothing can compare to the epic resurrection power demonstrated as God raised Jesus from the dead, snatching millions from the clutches of eternal death. Jesus risen from the dead is the most significant historical moment to ever occur!


Throughout this month we have been studying the strength of God. In fact, we dove deeply into Ephesians 6:10, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.” This scripture can be paraphrased to mean, be infused with the dynamite strength of the Lord (Gk. endunamoa) and allow the resurrection power (Gk. Kratos) that raised Jesus from the dead to be activated in your life by the mighty (Gk. ischous) muscular ability of God.*


This resurrection Sunday we pray that the reality of His resurrection power demonstrated when He raised Christ from the dead be manifested in your life!


Enjoy Resurrection Sunday with your friends and family! We love you with Christ’s amazing love!


Happy Resurrection Day!

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