A Letter from Eurasian Evangelists German and Julia

20 Aug A Letter from Eurasian Evangelists German and Julia

“Good afternoon, Kevin and Leslie!


We would like to thank you for the long-term cooperation with us. Having met you through Mila and Johannes, we found our calling in God.


We carry the Good News through the Tent Festivals to different parts of the world and we are happy to do so. In three weeks we are leaving for Romania, where we will conduct a tent outreach. From there we will go on to preach to the Gypsies in Macedonia.”


This family of preachers regularly conducts children’s outreaches with dramas, clowns, music and bible lessons for the young. They are impacting the adults of today while at the same time preparing the next generation to walk with Christ.




German came to the Moscow Evangelists Conference in 2001 (pictured below) as we were just beginning the regular evangelism training conferences. What began with 5 evangelists in 1998 quickly expanded, creating an entire corps of missionary evangelists who today regularly open new territories with the Gospel.


The TENT 100 Evangelists of Eurasia are focused on penetration into the greater Balkan territories (see map below). Four tents have been delivered to this region so that outreaches may be conducted in multiple Balkan nations such as Albania and Romania. Even as we write this update other teams are converging in Albania for iMOVE Evangelism Training and a TENT NATION—Eurasia outreach (we’ll have more to share on that in another update).




Kevin’s trip to German’s base on the border of Russia and Estonia helped empower his team and strengthen his local church to expand into new territories. This is just one more example of what your monthly resources do to strengthen and equip these teams.


We can hear the words of our long-time mentor and friend, Dr. TL Osborn, “If you two SET THE PACE and PROVE ITS EFFICACY, then you can establish a SCHOOL OF TENT EVANGELISM, in addition to all the rest you would teach, and start a challenging program of equipping proven, qualified CIS (former Soviet territories) preachers who are tough, who have worked with you, who know how to manage a tent…”



Even as we write this we are mindful of the USA. America was first evangelized in tents, not the tents of the 40’s and 50’s but the tents of the horseback preachers who spread the Gospel from the East Coast to the West Coast. ONCE AGAIN AMERICA SHALL HEAR THE VOICE OF THE LORD THROUGH MIRACLE GOSPEL TENTS. Another corps of Tent Evangelists is being raised up for the Americas as well and we are glad you’re standing with us!


Thank you partners for your prayers and monthly support!

Kevin and Leslie


P.S. Help us get the news out and share this email with your friends.



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