June 2016 Many have found Jesus as Savior, but are not aware of His healing power. God said in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Even today some church leaders are offended by miracles, saying that miracles have long passed and are no...
June 2016 When reasonable adults decide to have children, they are not under some misguided notion that there isn't going to be any misbehavior on the part of those children. Before the conception process even begins, they are fully aware that many problems will come as...
May 2016 Several years ago while conducting meetings in the Philippines we met a middle-eastern dignitary in our hotel lobby. My husband Kevin noticed that this man’s eyes were intently fixed on Kevin’s bible. As Kevin looked over at this dignitary, the man moved in very close...
May 2016 God’s original dream—to start a family with the potential to walk and behave like Him. Adam failed. He disobeyed God and did not fulfill God’s dream. But God sent Jesus, Whom Scripture calls the Last Adam, and He did not fail. Jesus is the model...
In the face of storms, Jesus spoke peace and all became calm. In the face of taxes, He said to go fishing and gold was found. In the face of lack, He spoke blessing over bread and multiplication occurred. In the face of devils, He...
April 2016 Sickness and disease are the precursor to death and all are a result of sin. When we see a miracle in operation, once again we see God initiating good. Anything you can do sick you can certainly do better healthy! His miracles are confirmation...
March 2016 Have you ever stopped a storm? Jesus did. In a boat when all others feared for their lives, He spoke peace and the winds obeyed! Over the years we have seen the power of the Name of Jesus in similar situations when storm winds...