One of the greatest limiters in life is the “SPIRIT OF FEAR”! Fear is that unspoken wall of objections we find in our hearts. It is the “WHAT IF” question that whirls around in the mind. “WHAT IF” I don’t succeed? “WHAT IF” I fail? “WHAT IF” I act and things on the other side of my decision are not really what I anticipated?

Vincent van Gogh said, “What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything.

When I reflect on that statement, I must ask, without courage, would we have men and women traveling in space? 

Would we be driving cars or orchestrating our entire life through a small telephone that we hold in our hands? Honestly, if men and women had not been willing to take risks, we would not be enjoying the quality of life that is available to almost any person who pursues it.


Vincent van Gogh was a troubled young man, the son of a pastor, brought up in a religious and cultured atmosphere. Vincent was highly emotional, lacked self-confidence and struggled with his identity and with direction. He believed that his true calling was to preach the gospel; however, it took years for him to discover his calling as an artist (source: vangoghgallery.com).  In just over a decade he created 2,100 pieces of art and his technique revolutionized the Western art world.


How do we stretch the borders of life? It begins by taking a chance on the power that rests inside of each one of us who have been created in His image. 2 Timothy 1:7 states, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear (timidity), but of power, love and a sound mind.” The power operational on the inside of a believer is the same power that raised Christ from the dead. So, I ask you today, what will you yield to, the unseen power of the “WHAT IF” or the unseen power of the “GREATER ONE” who resides in you?

Download Dr. Leslie’s NEW Overcoming Fear Study Guide!

For many, OVERCOMING FEAR is an ongoing, daily struggle. Fear is a silent force. Often unspoken, it is like a dark shadow hovering over any situation with the power to paralyze our thoughts, decisions and daily actions. I’ve prepared the “Overcoming Fear Study Guide and Confessions” to provide you the opportunity to overcome the silent force of FEAR and LIVE IN DAILY VICTORY!

When you download the Overcoming FEAR Study Guide” we will send you a link to our upcoming video series release.