Tribute to Dr. T.L. Osborn

18 Feb Tribute to Dr. T.L. Osborn

Date: 2-18-2015

We have many things happening at Christian Adventures! Challenging but inspiring opportunities to see God’s victory shine through our hearts!

Today, I was reflecting on something our mentor Dr. T.L. Osborn said to us while in the midst of the struggle to put up our large tents in Kyrgyzstan.

Bishkek Kyrgystan

Tent Festival in Bishkek Kyrgystan

In the midst of this trying time, I received an email from DR. TL that said, “The devil hasn’t figured it out yet. We win if we don’t quit! And since we are not going to quit we have already won!” For the 16 years that we worked intimately with TL Osborn, he demonstrated to us an enduring spirit that would never, never give up! He gave it his very best to the very end!

At Mass Public Prayers in Kiev Ukraine

At Mass Public Prayers in Kiev Ukraine

In Benin Africa

In Benin Africa

At Miracle Life Conference Guntur India

At Miracle Life Conference Guntur India

As I reflect upon this recent Valentine’s day, I realize that Dr. TL is now at peace in his heavenly rest but his words live on in the hearts of those he mentored!

He has an enduring legacy not only in our lives but millions around the globe!

THANK YOU DR. TL! You have richly blessed our lives!

Read more here.

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