The Tent Anointing is back …Big Time – Kenneth Copeland, 2015

03 Nov The Tent Anointing is back …Big Time – Kenneth Copeland, 2015

KevinandLeslieWithTLOFor 17 years, we have been advancing a vision fueled in part by T.L. Osborn’s mentorship and inspiring validation … a vision of tents dotting the Eurasian map as the key component to reaching remote and unreached towns, villages and people groups with the Gospel. Or as Dr. T.L. stated of our first tent, it is the seed of a solution for the evangelization of CIS.

Today, with over 75 active, mobile auditoriums, what we originally envisioned as one tent and team in each of the 100 nations, republics and oblasts of the former CIS, is rapidly demanding reevaluation. Both the scope and influence have expanded significantly since the beginning of Tent Project.



TentSites As our map portrays, despite over 700 tent raisings and ministry campaigns (and distributing over 1 million books – Kenneth and Gloria Copeland’s, T.L and Daisy Osborn’s, Kenneth Hagin’s as well as our own), it is estimated there are still 300,000 unreached towns and villages across Eurasia, one of the most open, virgin, hungry and ripe parts of the world for Gospel ministry.

With working tent-factories now in Moscow and Estonia and a third to be launched in Ukraine to address Europe and Eastern Europe’s growing spiritual and social crises, the 100-tent goal is quickly becoming 1000. To supply tents for the young, enthused evangelists our ongoing ministry training is producing, there is urgency for two added factories in Central and Eastern Russia. We presently have more impassioned Eurasian evangelists and apostolic church leaders than we have tents to assign and distribute.

Furthermore, we now hold a formal request from India for 1000 ministry tents and one of our leading Russian evangelists is being led to bring his tent to the growing Russian communities in America.

A few years before his passing, Oral Roberts prophesied, “The tent-anointing is coming back!” In an April, 2015 interview with Pat Robertson, Kenneth Copeland echoed Brother Roberts with this declaration, “The tent-anointing is back…big time!”

TentFestivalUkraine LesliePreachingFor us, “The tent anointing is back…big time,” is an urgent mandate to expand our territories and literally, “Clear lots of ground for your tents! Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big! Use plenty of rope, drive the tent pegs deep. You’re going to need lots of elbow room for your growing family. You’re going to take over whole nations; you’re going to resettle abandoned cities.” Isaiah 54:2, 3 MESSAGE


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