17 Nov SEIZING EVERY OPPORTUNITY (that the devil meant for evil)
9 years ago, in 2006, a torch of the Gospel was carried to the nation of France.

9 years ago, in 2006, a torch of the Gospel was carried to the nation of France
Europe, and especially France, has never been as open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ as they are today. As never before, they are desperate for answers to life that only the Good News can give. Harvest from the seed sown into the nation of France 9 years ago has never been as ripe as it is right now. Some of that seed began 5 years earlier in 2001 when we acted on an idea of preparing dozens of Gospel laborers in French Africa who are now scattered across France.
We MUST help supply the answer to those searching hearts! We MUST seize the window of opportunity to advance the name of Jesus Christ through this door that tragedy has flung open.
Pray with us that by all possible means, tools and hands, this opportunity to spread the GOOD NEWS will be maximized. Thank you for your continued partnership as together we fulfill our part of this challenge.
View a video clip from our ministry in France in 2006
For the past two months we have been in communication with Pastors in France and Eurasian evangelists about bringing tent evangelism to Southern France. Now we understand the urgency we’ve felt.
God bless you for your faithful partnership in carrying the Good News to a lost world that is desperately crying out for spiritual answers and guidance….
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