”Yesterday again was a wonderful afternoon and evening in Tent Festival. People turn to Jesus, not only in a tent, but in the villages when we handed out invitations. God continue to heal, inspire and set free. One girl had a leg pain for a week after she fell, and now the pain is gone.

One woman had constant pain under her shoulder blade for more than 6 years, and today this pain is gone. Another woman after trauma, almost every day suffered from the headache. She was taking medicine. God healed her 9 days ago, and today, she is still healed, and has no more pain. That was just yesterday and there is a lot of harvest still ahead…

Today the festival began with a good morning service, then continued in fellowship with people in the village, then there was an evening meeting, where people accepted Jesus into your heart, and were healed.

One man for 19 years suffered from pain after a crack in his heel. It was difficult for him to walk. Today he was healed.

And there are many more stories. Is there anything too hard for the Lord?! With God we can do more than we think! With God all things work! Thanks to everyone who participated, supported, sacrificed and prayed. We are doing it together! People come and testify that peace filled their hearts, peace, joy, many were healed, reconciled to God!

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Festival “All things are possible” continues! People are healed, hear the gospel.

Young people from the village continue enjoying their evenings among the believers who lead a healthy lifestyle, and believe in God! Every day, young people come into the tent for fellowshipping! We had an event that we called, “I trade cigarettes for candies,” where young people gave up them cigarettes and broke them!

Festival continues and we continue to invite people to meetings and to talk about God’s love in the neighboring villages!!!

It is a great festival. Thank you to all who prepared it and sowed into it.”


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