Exciting Far-East Update

24 Jan Exciting Far-East Update


We continue to labor through our team members among the unreached or least-reached people groups of the Far East. Here is a wonderful report from Partner-evangelists Johannes and Milla Kudrin.


Happy New Year to all of you, our dear friends of the Harvest!

I couldn’t overlook those facts and events, which happened in September of 2018 in Mongolia and Buryatia. I consider them a very meaningful and life-changing for many.


Ten years ago, when we held our first tent meeting festival in the city of Erdenet, Mongolia, pastor Oko said, “That’s very cool, but we have 22 more regions.”

What a joy!!!




Today in seven of them, we have teams of missionary-evangelists who are proclaiming the Good News about the love of God and holding tent meetings. Spontaneously, we organized an evangelistic-charity action, “breakfast with a friend.” More than 50 people were present, many of them opened their hearts to Jesus Christ!!! Thank God!


Tatiana Krasikova is a respected woman of God from Buryatia with our friendship and partnership lasting for more than 15 years already. Many people of Siberia heard the Good New through her ministry. This time they visited big families, shared a Message of Love and handed over help packages.


Missionary Yury Gygun, one of the participants in this project, told us his story while we were drinking some tasty Buryat tea, which surprised everyone of us. It happen that he is a representative of the very small ethnic group, Nivkh, which is recorded in the “Red book” because it’s population counts only 4000 people. Yuri was the first to accept Christ and ready to bring the Gospel to his native people.


Yes, time is short, all nations will hear the Good News; the Lord is coming! “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.” (Isaiah 9:2)


We pray and believe for all nations!


Johannes and Milla Kudrin


Christian Adventures International

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