Friends and Partners,

In the 1950’s, hundreds of little tents began to crisscross America with Good News. Out of this small group approximately 50 prominent evangelists arose. The need for tents grew at such an astounding rate that one evangelist made a decision to build the tents required for this movement of evangelists and Miami Tents arose! Right now in Eurasia two tent factories have arisen to answer the growing need for tents across Europe and Russia! In fact, Kevin just met with a Bishop from St. Petersburg, Russia who wants to place a tent in each of the 357 villages within his region of oversight that presently have no church. He is sending a young man to the Estonia factory on the Russian border to learn how to make tents.

The demand is equally as daunting in the Ukraine and we are sending our Russian tent-master to the Ukraine for discussions on the opening of the Ukrainian tent factory. Just last year we had the opportunity to train a dozen or so energetic Ukrainian Evangelists who this year have multiplied their effectiveness reaching into the Ukrainian conflict zone delivering aid and preaching in their tents. One young university student has located a co-evangelist, identified a team and worked a side construction job to gather enough funds to put up his tent 6 times this summer! That’s quite an undertaking for a university student!

Currently we are finalizing plans to train evangelism teams, dedicate a large tent to Latvia and conduct a nationwide evangelism campaign in the big top next summer. Our goal will be to connect Europe with our existing tent teams. We are encouraging leaders from France to join us in this event!

…And if that’s not sufficient opportunity for the tent ministry, we now have an invitation to expand our mission base in the FAREAST of Russia and initiate another training base and open an additional factory to build tents for the East. We are amazed at the increasing demand and maturity of the leaders! Europe, Russia, Ukraine, and the Baltics can be saved!

We might ask why this is happening. Perhaps it is due to the crisis that is occurring across these regions or perhaps it is due to the maturity of the churches and leaders that are now ready to expand and help more people! Regardless, God has planted us here for such a time as this! And you are the team that allows us to reach more people with the Love of God than ever before!

Your friends in the Harvest,

Kevin and Leslie

PS – We are experiencing equally exciting success in India with the growth of TV outreach! Look for more reports to come next month!

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