Break Up the Fallow Ground

16 Mar Break Up the Fallow Ground

That is the strong word we have received from the Lord! This month we are in full preparation for releasing the tent ministry into Europe, conducting monthly prayer summits and on-line training for the Tent100 teams, preparing seminars and books for the Annual Tent 100 Evangelism Conference, conducting set-up trips for tent ministry in Belgium, France, Spain, Poland, Norway, Ukraine and Albania, so that a voice of miracle-life can be heard. We are using all necessary tools to prepare the soil for evangelism beginning with training, street witnessing, books, conferences and tent outreaches.

We have used precious monetary resources to send our representatives to Europe and plan for 10 teams from Russia, the Baltics and Ukraine to go to Europe! We are preparing two new books with vital inspiration to be placed into the hands of the French speaking people seeding this generation with possibility thinking for new harvest opportunities! It takes great gifts from our faithful partners to make it all happen. We are joined as a united force in a remarkable partnership. God’s Spirit and our flesh — God, you, Leslie and me. As a spirit-led-team we carry a message of life and love to the nations.

We have been able to launch 80 tents and evangelist teams across the roads of Eurasia. While doing that, we were Dr. TL Osborn’s co-evangelists for 16 years on every major continent of the earth. This harvest season, our faithful and wonderful partners can do a GREAT WORK by finding one friend, who loves the GREAT COMMISSION, to partner with us as we “go into all the world.” Millions wait and we have committed ourselves to this CO-MISSION. Christians everywhere desire to be used of God and you can be the connector!
Together we are reaching and unlocking souls for Christ, even as God is unlocking the resources you require to succeed in all you put your hand to. Plant a special seed this month to see a special harvest of souls. $1 will print a mini book, $20, 20 books, $800 will send a team member, $6,500 will buy a tent. Every contribution counts! We are praying for a special miracle in your life for the answer to needs you face.

Your Partners,
Kevin and Leslie McNulty
and the Teams of Christian Adventures Global Community

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