2018… A Historic return to Belarus

03 May 2018… A Historic return to Belarus

Celebrating 20 years of the 100 Tent Project

1998 – The foundation is laid for 100 tents across Eurasia by training the first evangelists and leaders in an intensive program.

The day this first tent was erected, a massive storm almost destroyed it. For hours, our entire team prayed, hung on tent poles, drove stakes deeper and prayed more!

As the storm cleared, “our flag was still there” — a grand tent standing on the hill, a shining beacon of light and hope for the nations.

After the first tent was erected in Belarus, the nation entered a time of persecution…yet Evangelist Yauheni persevered raising this tent, conducting humanitarian outreaches, training deep in the forest and holding festivals.

Today Evangelist Akop directs Christian Adventures’ outreach projects while Evangelist Kirill builds the tents and oversees the Moscow mission base.

In the picture below (left) Akop is opening Leadership Conference in India.

In the picture below (right) Kirill and Kevin are working in the Tent Factory.

We leave for Belarus in just a matter of days. Evangelists will come from across Eurasia. You can sponsor an evangelist for $260 or pay a team member’s travel costs for $1,500. Every gift large or small counts!

Thank you for going with us! Together we are making history!

Kevin and Leslie and the Christian Adventures team

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