If I Were Sick-Part1

If I Were Sick – Part-1


Leslie and I desire to equip you with healing realities during this COVID-19 pandemic. These healing packages equip you with the tools of Christianity.


When I went to grade school I had a package from my mother for my school lunch break. We all ate and no one went hungry. In the same way Jesus equipped his children every day with the power to heal themselves and the people who are hurting. Because all humans are spiritual we should use what we have for the wellbeing of our bodies and the bodies of those around us.

What brings a miracle into your life or the lives of those around you?


First, we should ponder the miracle needed. Second, we proclaim the miracle desired and third, we possess the miracle offered.


When we received His word, believed His word, and confessed His word, we obtained eternal life! God communicates life to you through His word and makes a connection that causes every need to be met.


Most people who are sick immediately go to medicine or to a doctor. But did you know, there is a third option?  The spirit of Jesus in our bodies.  God wants us to ponder and to consider what He is saying and what He has done for us so that we can receive the healing needed. Jesus said, “My words they are spirit and they are life.”


Allow the life of God to come into you today, so that a healing change may occur. Dare to declare COVID you must die! I am the healed of the Lord!


Send us your testimonies and prayers request! We’re here to help you!

Full version of “Healing In Your Pocket” Book



Healing Is For You

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