
06 May Sow to Grow

Many people, including some preachers, say that God is completely sovereign and therefore whatever happens is His will. But does a farmer reap what God sows? What kind of crop will the farmer get if he takes the year off and just tells God he...

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26 Feb Let the Word Work

“…when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe” (1 Thess. 2:13). It doesn’t say we and our own...

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19 Feb The Door to the Impossible

The faith God has given us is the most powerful force on earth, but it can’t work in the midst of doubt, fear and worry. We must spend time in God’s Word and allow it to renew our minds to its absolute truth. This is...

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12 Feb This is How We Do It

When we truly learn who Jesus is and what He has done both for us and in us, we discover who we really are. And when we discover who we are, we learn what are to be doing here in the earth.  Mountains, obstacles, troubles...

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29 Dec Take What Belongs to You

“Lord Jesus, I see you upon that cross, crucified for me. My sicknesses, diseases and every infirmity were upon You on that cross. Therefore, right now I receive my new body and my recreated spirit. I receive a sound mind and every part and system...

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24 Nov Reliable and Ready

What happens when your car fails? You can't go anywhere. You can't start it. You can't drive it. You can't do anything with it. Well, God's Word NEVER fails! It's always ready to be driven and operated by the person who is willing to take...

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