04 Feb Acts 2.0
The love, forgiveness, and supernatural life of healing and miracles that Jesus demonstrated in the Gospels is what we are to be demonstrating now in our lives, as we continue what the book of Acts started!...
The love, forgiveness, and supernatural life of healing and miracles that Jesus demonstrated in the Gospels is what we are to be demonstrating now in our lives, as we continue what the book of Acts started!...
Changing your location has nothing to do with your prosperity. It’s possible to be poor in a wealthy society, and it’s also possible to prosper in a poor society. You can prosper in the midst of adverse conditions where everyone else is failing, just as...
God is NOT waiting for you to make a mistake so He can put a sickness or some calamity on you. It’s the devil who walks about like a roaring lion, looking for someone he can devour (1 Peter 5:8)! He’s the one trying to...
Faith never judges according to the sight of the eyes. Faith rests on far more solid ground than the evidence of the senses—the solid ground of the Word of God. Our senses may deceive us, but God’s Word abides forever!...
Your words, because they possess the power of life and death, very often determine your outcome. If God calls you healed by the stripes Jesus Christ took for you, what are you calling for? Are you calling for sickness and disease, or are you calling...
The faith God has given us is the most powerful force on earth, but it doesn’t work when you allow doubt, fear, worry, or confusion to dominate your thoughts and actions. We keep calm, at rest, in peace and focused on God’s Word to see...
We are soldiers! We have the belt of truth, the shield of righteousness and shoes of peace. I will not be afraid; I know that God will answer my prayers. I know that God will not leave me. He will take care of me, because...
Each of us possesses the power of choice to determine our future. Paul said, “We, having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak” (2 Corinthians 4:13). You might feel...
The choice is ours. If we won’t see and embrace the truth of how God sees us and thinks about us, we’ll be doomed to a life of perceiving ourselves as helpless, weak, and subject to circumstances. That’s called prison, and it’s NOT how God...
I have walked the ‘be strong and of good courage’ path for many years with nothing more than the Word of GOD in my heart, a positive confession in my mouth, and a small band of committed partners. I have seen His miracles and I KNOW that...