18 Dec You Have What You Need
When the Holy Spirit moves into you He moves in with all of His luggage. He doesn't leave any of it behind! Whatever you have need of—a word, provision, guidance, a miracle—it’s already in you and accessible!...
When the Holy Spirit moves into you He moves in with all of His luggage. He doesn't leave any of it behind! Whatever you have need of—a word, provision, guidance, a miracle—it’s already in you and accessible!...
Changing location has nothing to do with prosperity. It is possible to be poor in a wealthy society; just as it is possible to prosper in a poor society, and even during a crisis where others are in want all around you. Isaac obeyed the...
If we spend most of our time begging God to do what He's already done, and the rest of the time asking Him to do what He's told us to do, what have we just done? Nothing! Ask yourself today, are you a beggar or...
There is no theological degree required to lay hands on the sick. In fact, Mark 16:18 gives us simple instructions: those who believe will be able to place their hands on the sick and they will get well!...
The Spirit of God dwelling in us gives life to our mortal bodies (Romans 8:11), and we call on this life to arise and strengthen us. This power dwelling in us was sufficient to raise Christ from the dead! Envision the Holy Spirit within you...
Our thoughts are the seeds of our actions. Our prayers are the seeds of answers. Our giving is the seed of our receiving. Our efforts are the seeds of our results. Our words are the seeds of what fruit we will eat....
There are lots of things we know exist but can’t be seen with our eyes. Electricity, gravity and love are just a few. Training your thoughts to imagine the unseen is the first step to living in supernatural answered prayer!...
If you are all that is on your mind, then your thinking is very small! When you place your hurts in the hands of Jesus, then you’re free to heal the hurts of others. What He has done for you is now your privilege to...
Christ followers should be the top politicians, administrators, educators, doctors—the top in every area there is. Why? Because our teacher reveals things to us that the average person can’t receive. It is vitally important for us to learn to be sensitive to His voice and...
If you are depressed—take hope in God! He promises to strengthen you with His righteous right arm! If you are jobless—dare to declare that He WILL connect you with the job you require! If you are in debt—dare to declare you are debt free! Trust...