06 Sep Move Those Mountains!
You have the same faith that Jesus has. It is a faith that has confidence in the unseen and is not based on any evidence other than the Word of God. This faith moves mountains and brings answers to prayer!...
You have the same faith that Jesus has. It is a faith that has confidence in the unseen and is not based on any evidence other than the Word of God. This faith moves mountains and brings answers to prayer!...
What is the position we take when we have unanswered prayers? We stand firm and never quit! Elijah prayed 7 times for it to rain. He didn’t quit at the 6th time and start teaching his disciples why God doesn’t always answer. No! He persisted...
Are you still asking God to do what He told us to do? Or have you stepped over into the joy and adventure of obedience by partnering with Him and doing what He has instructed YOU to do?...
Life can be an exciting adventure or a daily grind. Where do you find yourself? Don't let age rob you of your dreams. Don't let yesterday limit your tomorrow. Don't let mediocrity kill your potential! Rediscover your youth!...
You can actually enjoy the process of going through tough moments by looking for the good in them. The things you can change, by all means change, but the things you cannot change should not have the right to dominate your life!...
I am praying for all our friends and partners, that you may know the plan that the Lord has set forth for your life. This knowledge will generate an inner strength, enabling you to face life each day with an “all things are possible” attitude. We pray...
This is Christianity’s finest hour! There will be no better time than this to awaken the Body of Christ and demonstrate to the spiritual seekers that the Jesus we speak of is not another dead prophet, but a resurrected Lord who is calling out to...
When I have a time of need, I march boldly into the throne room of God to obtain what I need. I turn the circumstances over to Him and say: “Father, no matter how I feel or how I look, no matter if sickness is...
So often our circumstances shout, “This is impossible!” “It’s over!” “You’re wasting your time!” Sometimes your closest friends or even your spouse might say, “This is stupid, what are you doing? This faith stuff isn’t working!” I plead with you—at that moment when it’s very...
It’s important to remember that God is happy to answer our prayers and wants to bless His children. And He wants us, His children, to rejoice in the same way a child rejoices when he receives something from his parents!...