
16 Oct Winner or Whiner?

The most influential voice in your life is the one on the inside of you. It either affirms that you can do great things in life, or it whines that you’re in one way or another a victim of circumstance. It continually echoes whatever has...

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09 Oct Kingdom Thinking

You are destined for success! But to get there, you have to put off your old thought life and put on the thought life of a new creation. Your old way of thinking is who you were in Adam, and is what most people are...

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22 Sep Get Real!

If you’ve been in a situation that has been ongoing to the place where you’re finding it a challenge to keep believing and declaring God’s promises, remember this: the God of the universe, our FATHER, has given us His Word and declared to us, “THIS...

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31 Jul Off with the Old

You should never be too busy to say goodbye to your old self with its past habits, thought patterns, and mistakes of yesterday, and hello to all you have been given in your resurrected life in Christ. “You have put off the old self with its practices and...

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09 Jun Dump the Doubt!

Many times it’s not that we need more faith, it's that we need to recognize when unbelief is standing between us and the promise of God. This is when we put the Word of God in our mouths and say, “All things are possible for...

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