
05 Jul You Can Change Things

Jesus is our example. He destroyed the works of the devil, and He had power over sickness, disease, lack, oppression and everything else that comes from sin and darkness. You and I today have that same power! It doesn't matter how long or how difficult...

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27 May You’re Out of Your Mind

1 Corinthians 2:16 tells us that as new creations in Christ, we have been given the mind of Christ! When we cooperate with the Holy Spirit to renew our minds to God’s Word, we begin to think and respond as Jesus in the earth, instead...

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03 May Walking Through the Flames

When King Nebuchadnezzar observed the three Hebrew children in the flames of the fire he threw them into for not bowing to his image, he was shocked to see a fourth man walking in the flames with them (Daniel 3:25). Regardless of the kind of...

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22 Apr The Adventure of Faith

As believers, faith is a lifestyle we are all called to embrace. Three times in the New Testament we are told “The just shall live by faith” (Rom. 1:17; Gal. 3:11; Heb. 10:38). What does that mean? It means that our decisions are not solely...

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05 Apr Expectation Brings Demonstration

Your atmosphere is the mood, the influence, or the environment that you surround yourself with. An atmosphere without expectation will kill your dreams because it destroys the hope that is within you. An atmosphere of expectation, however, is conductive to the supernatural and divine intervention...

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