13 Dec You’re Ready to Roll
It’s a lie from the devil that you can't be used by God until you are perfected. You and I will be renewing our minds until the day we die, so we should never let anything hinder us from going and doing!...
It’s a lie from the devil that you can't be used by God until you are perfected. You and I will be renewing our minds until the day we die, so we should never let anything hinder us from going and doing!...
What is the fight of faith that all believers are called to? The fight of faith is continually choosing to think like scripture says rather than what the world is saying. It is holding onto a word from God when all else looks otherwise. It’s...
No matter how loud the voices are that try to tell you that you’re not going to get there, that the bible isn’t true, that you’re going to be disappointed and will just have to endure what you’ve been dealing with for the rest of...
Maybe your teachers labeled or cursed you, or maybe your friends and family did. Joseph’s brothers cursed him, in fact they dropped him down a well to die! They wanted to get rid of him, but it didn’t matter what they thought, because God had...
If you’re feeling like a captive on a boat that’s being upended because of someone else’s decisions or actions, don’t give in to anger and fear! Remember, if you’re born again then Jesus is not only with you on the boat, He lives in you!...
The Word of God is more important than any newspaper or magazine, more important than a movie, your social media accounts or any other book you may want to read. God’s Word is the first and most important thing we should all be focusing on!...
The devil will know you if you take a stand. An ambassador doesn’t have to pray to act as an ambassador. He doesn’t need to pray to exercise his authority, all he needs to do is act like who his government says he is. An...
In every aspect of natural life, the power of life is found in seeds. A farmer doesn’t need great faith to see a crop or harvest, he just needs enough good sense to plant his seeds. He doesn’t need any power or anointing to farm,...
Jesus is our example. He destroyed the works of the devil, and He had power over sickness, disease, lack, oppression and everything else that comes from sin and darkness. You and I today have that same power! It doesn't matter how long or how difficult...
Embarking on a new opportunity may feel like navigating a challenging mountain slope. It’s worth the climb, but it will take concentrated effort to enjoy the journey. Today, are you willing to stretch beyond your comfort zone? Will you take a hike up a different side...