17 Nov Immovable
What is faith? It is believing and standing on the truth that Jesus is Lord, and that He has already paid every debt and penalty to set you free. It is refusing to back down from the fact that He is your healer and your...
What is faith? It is believing and standing on the truth that Jesus is Lord, and that He has already paid every debt and penalty to set you free. It is refusing to back down from the fact that He is your healer and your...
We have to be careful not to get full of the Word of God and then become complacent, as if we’ve had a huge, wonderful meal—but then just want to kick back in the recliner and lay there in all of the “calories” that we've...
Believe in yourself! You can’t be truly effective in the world until you gain an understanding of how much God loves and values you. Look in the mirror and tell the person you see that in God’s eyes you are a winner and an overcomer....
What is the fight of faith? It is continually directing my mind to believe what scripture says rather than focusing on what I’m feeling, hearing or seeing around me. It’s identifying with New Creation reality instead of the law of sin and death, and holding...
You are destined for success! But to get there, you have to put off your old thought life and put on the thought life of a new creation. Your old way of thinking is who you were in Adam, and is what most people are...
If you’ve been in a situation that has been ongoing to the place where you’re finding it a challenge to keep believing and declaring God’s promises, remember this: the God of the universe, our FATHER, has given us His Word and declared to us, “THIS...
God has deposited a vision in every heart to reach the world. When Jesus enters your life, a compassion for the rest of the world enters with Him. If you’re not feeling it, then it’s time to renew your mind to who God’s Word says...
There is a place in Christ where you lack nothing. That place may surprise you—it may appear to be a lifeless, famine field! Your faith and actions make the difference in how your environment responds to you!...
Jesus destroyed our spiritual enemy! Now our mission is to allow the Word of God to renew our minds and transform us, so we can effectively walk in this life He has purchased for us and be agents of the authority we have been given!...
It is only when you get a revelation of who Jesus is and who you have been made to be IN Him, that you can begin to understand how you are capable of living, and what you are capable of doing for God. Revelation—it is...