25 Feb Dedication
What will you do with the gifts of God you have been given? Dedication to the Lord is that step where we devote ourselves to both the will and the way of God. Remember, talent is cheap but dedication is costly!...
What will you do with the gifts of God you have been given? Dedication to the Lord is that step where we devote ourselves to both the will and the way of God. Remember, talent is cheap but dedication is costly!...
The love, forgiveness, and supernatural life of healing and miracles that Jesus demonstrated in the Gospels is what we are to be demonstrating now in our lives, as we continue what the book of Acts started!...
Jesus said to go into all the world, and you’re His representatives. Where you go, He goes. Even as He is, so are you in this world (1 John 4:17). That doesn’t mean that we’re Jesus, it means we represent His power. If you can’t...
If you have believed that Jesus came and gave His life for you, and that you are forgiven of your sins and will spend eternity with Him, then you have all the faith you need to heal the sick and raise the dead! ALL things...
It doesn't matter how long you have been in ministry or how long you've been studying the Bible, the Word of God can become like stale bread if you allow it to lay dormant in your heart!...
Changing your location has nothing to do with your prosperity. It’s possible to be poor in a wealthy society, and it’s also possible to prosper in a poor society. You can prosper in the midst of adverse conditions where everyone else is failing, just as...
God created us in His image with dignity and purpose. He created us to experience His love. He has entrusted us with His authority and only requires one thing from us—that we believe and trust His words to us!...
If a branch of a tree is abiding in the life of that tree, that means its connection to that tree is stable and fixed. When we are truly abiding in Christ then our connection should be stable and fixed, so like a healthy branch,...
The faith God has given us is the most powerful force on earth, but it doesn’t work when you allow doubt, fear, worry, or confusion to dominate your thoughts and actions. We keep calm, at rest, in peace and focused on God’s Word to see...
As human beings we possess something very different than the rest of creation. We possess the ability to forgive. No matter what the world says, you do NOT have to remain a prisoner of hatred, fear and anger!...