24 Mar The Miraculous Lives Inside You!
If Jesus lives in you, you have a miracle inside you! All His purpose and power is now able to grow and develop in you, as you get to know Him through spending time with Him in prayer and reading His Word!...
If Jesus lives in you, you have a miracle inside you! All His purpose and power is now able to grow and develop in you, as you get to know Him through spending time with Him in prayer and reading His Word!...
This is the Church’s finest hour! If Jesus is alive as we proclaim, then He has the power to change men and answer prayer. He has the power to establish nations and create peace. He has the power to produce wealth and heal the sick....
Jesus told us to go into all the world as His representatives. Where you go, He goes. Even as He is, so are you in this world (1 John 4:17). That doesn’t mean that you’re Jesus, it means you represent His power. If you can’t...
If all you can think about is yourself, then your thinking is very small! When you place your cares, concerns and hurts in the hands of Jesus, then you’re free to focus on ministering to the cares, concerns and hurts of others. What Jesus has...
Throughout our lives as believers, a very important message we can “preach” to those around us is the example of our lifestyle. We don’t react or breakdown under pressure, we stand on the faithfulness of God’s Word in every situation and see the deliverance of...
The little streams leading to mighty rivers of abundance are the unseen services we provide as we go about our daily lives. The habit of top-notch service to others opens an ever-increasing flow to us. Success follows those who serve with sincerity and excellence!...
What have you been given that makes you rich? You have been given righteousness, which gives you a new self-image. You have been given eternal life, which gives you perspective and purpose. You also have been given authority, which is the right to exercise power...
When we know and understand our exalted position, seated in heavenly places in Christ, we will identify more with the Christ who walked out of the tomb than with the Christ who died on the Cross!...
When we are aware of our position as seated with Christ in the heavenlies, we are no longer looking upward for help. We direct our words and authority downward toward those “mountains” on earth that are below us. A change of perspective can change our...
The unsaved world is not interested in our sermons, but they ARE interested in a Christ who will get involved in their individual lives. Introduce them to that Jesus!...