12 Nov Resting on the Rock
Faith never judges according to the sight of the eyes. Faith rests on far more solid ground than the evidence of the senses—the solid ground of the Word of God. Our senses may deceive us, but God’s Word abides forever!...
Faith never judges according to the sight of the eyes. Faith rests on far more solid ground than the evidence of the senses—the solid ground of the Word of God. Our senses may deceive us, but God’s Word abides forever!...
We are not designed to continually handle hard struggles, difficulty, shame, lack, stress, and failures. Jesus said, “Come unto me and I will give you rest for your souls.” Jesus said His yoke is easy and His burden light (Matt. 11:28–30)....
As human beings we possess something very different than the rest of creation. We possess the ability to forgive. No matter what the world says, you do NOT have to remain a prisoner of hatred, fear and anger!...
You can change negative thoughts in a moment with your words, because your mind can’t think a different thought than your mouth is speaking. Look in God’s Word for what you should be saying; He always has a positive answer!...
When you believe in your heart and confess Christ as Savior, nothing can separate you from God. No sin can control you. No sickness can have authority over your life. God Himself lives in you!...
Are you still asking God to do what He told us to do? Or have you stepped over into the joy and adventure of obedience by partnering with Him and doing what He has instructed YOU to do?...
You can actually enjoy the process of going through tough moments by looking for the good in them. The things you can change, by all means change, but the things you cannot change should not have the right to dominate your life!...
It’s important for us to understand that there are no limitations or boundaries drawn where God “categorizes” a sickness as being simple or difficult. The power of the Lord is present to heal now, even as you are reading this. And that healing power covers...
Do you see that when Jesus died on the cross He took all your sins and all your sicknesses? The Lord Jesus delivered you from the devil’s captivity and gave you freedom—freedom from any kind of bondage, sickness or disease!...
It’s important to remember that God is happy to answer our prayers and wants to bless His children. And He wants us, His children, to rejoice in the same way a child rejoices when he receives something from his parents!...