28 Aug You Can’t Break the Bank
God has more than enough healing, peace, and finances for anyone seeking them. He is NOT limited, and we will certainly NEVER break the bank of heaven!...
God has more than enough healing, peace, and finances for anyone seeking them. He is NOT limited, and we will certainly NEVER break the bank of heaven!...
In a day when so many think and talk of what they don’t have, or used to have, or would like to have, it’s very important to take stock of what you DO have. If you are a child of God, then you know you...
Through one man, Jesus, the price for all sin was fully paid! Nothing can separate you from God anymore, no sin can control you, and no sickness can have authority over your life, because God Himself lives in you!...
I remember when my father died and it looked pretty bleak at Christmas. My Mother told us, “No gifts this year for you,” and it was a shock to feel that reality. But God knows our needs, and He is ahead of any steps we have taken. On...
The sweet life is simple when you’re sincere. It’s wonderful to be doing something today that I started doing 30 years ago, enjoying it more today than ever before. It’s a wonder to wake up every morning feeling like there is important work to be...
Deep in the quiet of the soul, when the sun sets over the last mountain range and the warmth of the day slowly dissipates into cool breezes that chill the sweat from your day’s labor, you hear His voice whisper “I WILL PROVIDE.” At the end...
James is telling us to have a supernatural response when he writes, “My brethren, COUNT IT ALL JOY when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect...
Most people are dead while they are alive. Their dreams have died. Their drive is dead. Their desire is dead. Their destiny is dead. They are just going through the motions of existence, many times turning to drugs to deaden their thought processes so they...
I have been in the center of Bangkok, where at lunch time they come out and crawl on their knees to these beautiful idols and temples so they can put food on these little houses to sacrifice to the gods. I've been in Mexico where they...
When we moved to Russia in the early 90’s it was a very gray place. I remember the heaviness that hung around the country like a cold, wet blanket. Coming from Florida I wasn’t used to this very cold, damp place, and developed the habit...