18 Jan The Real Deal
No other religion has its scribes read their holy books then expect their god to confirm what was just read. When you preach with a confirmation of signs and wonders you will never have a problem getting a crowd to listen!...
No other religion has its scribes read their holy books then expect their god to confirm what was just read. When you preach with a confirmation of signs and wonders you will never have a problem getting a crowd to listen!...
Jesus prayed: "Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come; on earth as it is in heaven." No sickness in heaven! No poverty in heaven! No weakness in heaven! No tears in heaven! If it doesn’t look like heaven, we...
There is a very real God whose presence you can know, whose hand you can hold, who will speak with you and His voice will not be somewhere in the distance, but rather IN you. He loves you and wants to live with you and...
Changing location has nothing to do with prosperity. It is possible to be poor in a wealthy society; just as it is possible to prosper in a poor society, and even during a crisis where others are in want all around you. Isaac obeyed the...
Make this a daily affirmation: “Thank you Lord that greatness lives in me because YOU are great! I choose to seek after greatness in life, and I can do it because You are in me, we are partners, and we will do it together!”...
You are not a “sinful worm” saved by grace. Stop seeing yourself as a beggar! You are not a moocher, but a producer! You have been given power to become a child of God! You have been given power to produce wealth! You are an...
There is no theological degree required to lay hands on the sick. In fact, Mark 16:18 gives us simple instructions: those who believe will be able to place their hands on the sick and they will get well!...
God adds to those who seek His ways. What does He add? The supernatural—the unexpected, the miraculous, the more than enough! All these things come into your life as you open His Word and search out HIS way of thinking and doing!...
There are lots of things we know exist but can’t be seen with our eyes. Electricity, gravity and love are just a few. Training your thoughts to imagine the unseen is the first step to living in supernatural answered prayer!...
Many believers are asking God to do what He already told THEM to do. “Lord, send Your Spirit! Lord, send your angels to save my family! Lord, send...