27 Apr It’s Time to Move Up
No one can put down a son or daughter of God unless that child of God chooses to think lowly of him or herself. Jesus said that if He is lifted up, He will draw all people unto Him. There is only one way to...
No one can put down a son or daughter of God unless that child of God chooses to think lowly of him or herself. Jesus said that if He is lifted up, He will draw all people unto Him. There is only one way to...
The choice is ours. If we won’t see and embrace the truth of how God sees us and thinks about us, we’ll be doomed to a life of perceiving ourselves as helpless, weak, and subject to circumstances. That’s a prison, and it’s NOT how God...
Jesus knew His mission. He was set to go to the cross, and on that cross He would pay the price for our sin, for our peace, for our sicknesses, and for our diseases. He took upon Himself all our punishment on that cross. He...
The world has forgotten what God looks like. Religion has hidden Him behind walls and ceremonies and shrouded His Word in mystery with their dead traditions. By comparison, Jesus came saying, “‘If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also’”(John 14:7). Jesus...
Oxygen is a good example of God’s principle of abundance. We all enjoy it to our hearts content with one condition: to get more we first have to exhale. We have to release what we have in order to get more. This is the secret...
Sometimes we forget as believers that God has given us resources to make our lives easier. We can declare the promises of God over our lives and fully expect them to produce God-kind of results!...
God created us for dignity and with a purpose! He created us to know His love and goodness through our relationship with Him, and to take that love and goodness out into the world with us and share it with others. How do we do...
We must always remember, the Cross precedes the Power. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.” The love of God is what motivates us to minister the life of God to people as they are healed, delivered and set...
Scripture tells us in Ephesians 1:6 that we are seated together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. That’s not a future promise, it’s a present reality that will help you greatly as you navigate the challenges you will face on this earth. Our position in...
Jesus paid the price for our sin and sickness and disease on the cross. So it’s not, “I’m GOING to be healed,” but rather, “I AM healed already! Not because I feel healed or look healed, but because the Word of God is more powerful...