28 Aug Be a Life Bringer
There is a place in Christ where you lack nothing. That place may surprise you—it may appear to be a lifeless, famine field! Your faith and actions make the difference in how your environment responds to you!...
There is a place in Christ where you lack nothing. That place may surprise you—it may appear to be a lifeless, famine field! Your faith and actions make the difference in how your environment responds to you!...
Jesus destroyed our spiritual enemy! Now our mission is to allow the Word of God to renew our minds and transform us, so we can effectively walk in this life He has purchased for us and be agents of the authority we have been given!...
If you are born again you are IN Christ and He is in you! He took away everything you had in Adam, and gave you everything that He had, including the dominion and authority Adam lost to Satan. This includes dominion over sickness, disease, lack...
One of the names of God is Jehovah Jireh, translated “the Lord will provide.” God is revealing Himself to us as the Lord Who will provide. In other words, He wants us to remember that He is our source, and that He provided the covenant...
Ephesians 1:6 says that we are seated together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. That’s not a future promise, it’s a present reality that will help you greatly as you navigate the tribulations on this earth. Our position in Christ is secure, because we’re not...
Satan told Eve that eating of the fruit of the tree would make them like God, knowing good and evil. When we read in the book of Genesis we discover that as God created, each act of creation was followed by His decreeing that “it...
Jesus gave Peter power to walk on water, but the devil stole it away by getting him to fix his attention on the wind (representing things we feel) and on the waves (representing things we see). Peter had the power and used it, but then...
Your heart is the spiritual “factory” that creates reality from what is placed in it. Your words are the raw material that the faith in your heart goes to work on, creating the world around you. That means you have the power to produce heaven...
We are now seated at the right hand of God, permanently in the presence of God! It’s NOT something that we have to atone for or “measure up” to be there! Our sins were wiped out permanently! We must believe what we see in the...
Scripture says in Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always. And again, I say rejoice!” These are victory keys! Take any unbelief, expose it and bring it before God. It's real and it's attacking your mind. And then give glory to God, rejoicing in what...