24 May Dream Seeds
Don’t let life, people, past failure or your present condition keep you from the seed of a dream in your heart. It doesn’t matter how bad your past is. You might say your sins are as dark as mud, but even a glass of mud...
Don’t let life, people, past failure or your present condition keep you from the seed of a dream in your heart. It doesn’t matter how bad your past is. You might say your sins are as dark as mud, but even a glass of mud...
Faith is an act of your will. YOU must decide the Word of God is true. It doesn’t work just because God wants it to work, the Word of God works when you put it to work by making the firm decision to believe it...
How do you begin to live a life of consistent results? You can begin with your thoughts! Fill the treasure chest of your mind with the truth and expectation from God’s Word, instead of the thoughts of fear and dread the world is continually trying...
In order for God to work with us we are going to have to cooperate with Him. If we want to receive total victory and deliverance, it’s not enough to simply KNOW that God understands and cares about us. We must go on from there...
If your life seems like a twisting highway, remember that a vehicle has two types of glass surfaces. The smallest one is for looking back, and the big windshield is for looking forward. Keep your eyes focused on that one and you’ll successfully navigate whatever...
As parents we shape the future of our children through our words. Why not shape our own future with the very words we speak? Today choose to speak words of life and healing over yourself!...
With an attitude of gratitude, we can soar to the heights where new hope, new strength and new life are found. Today, let’s celebrate and be thankful for the SIMPLE things of life no matter how insignificant they may seem!...
You may look at yourself and think, “this is the way I am because this is how I have always been,” but the secret to a new life is as simple as changing the facts. Change the information going in, and you will change the...
Train your thoughts on JESUS! Change your words to what GOD says! The scriptures are clear, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,...
Jesus has already taken all your diseases on Himself! Banish your habit of being sick! Believe that Jesus has overcome all the pain and all infirmities. BY HIS WOUNDS YOU ARE HEALED! Believe and accept the health that Jesus is giving you!...