Without a Prayer
It is as natural for a human to pray as it is for a fish to swim. We see that strong atheists are more a product of unanswered prayer than of intellectual conviction. It is to our benefit to discover how we can tap into...
It is as natural for a human to pray as it is for a fish to swim. We see that strong atheists are more a product of unanswered prayer than of intellectual conviction. It is to our benefit to discover how we can tap into...
If you have lost your purpose, there is always a way back. Even the prodigal son found himself after he ate with the pigs. You can't get much lower than eating corn on the cob with a hog on the other end of it! Scripture...
Never stop growing! When we stop growing spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally we begin dying. If we get into a boat and just sit there in that stream or river, what is going to happen? We might want to go upstream, but if we sit...
Have you ever had the question arise in your heart of why something happened to you that you did not want or expect? Does God want our hearts to be broken or our energy diminished? No, He does not. He said that in this world...
After we have accepted Jesus Christ’s gift of salvation and are enjoying the freedom of the redeemed, we would be wise to do a little checkup to make sure we haven’t unconsciously slipped in any way from redemption into religion. The following are 5 differences between...
James 3:4 “Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires. Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things.” There are very few Christians that...
As a young person my father would often take us on hikes into the forest. I was always intrigued by the difference in the landscape of a northern and southern exposure on a hill or mountain. How could it be that this same mountain had such...
Yesterday the world recognized the Christian holiday of the Lord’s passion and death on the cross. At the time of his death there was no recognition. There was resignation from His followers. There was revenge from the religious leaders. There was retribution by the Roman...