We are Farmers
The Christian life is about seed. Not just financial seed, but every word you speak is a seed. All the time that you give is a seed. Our lives should be built upon an understanding that we are farmers—we sow seed, we sow time, we...
The Christian life is about seed. Not just financial seed, but every word you speak is a seed. All the time that you give is a seed. Our lives should be built upon an understanding that we are farmers—we sow seed, we sow time, we...
“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). Doubt fills the heart when the picture of God’s promise is dim. Faith in the heart rises by hearing the Word of God!...
The person who is committed to a purpose and a vision for God can be confident that God will supply every need. The Word of God gives us the foundation to be absolutely confident that He will open every door and supply all that you need...
There are lots of things we know exist but can’t be seen with our eyes. Electricity, gravity and love are just a few. Training your thoughts to imagine the unseen is the first step to living in supernatural answered prayer!...
Christ followers should be the top politicians, administrators, educators and doctors. Why? Because our teacher reveals things to us that the average person can’t receive. It is vitally important for us to learn to be sensitive to His voice and expect His guidance!...
Through one man, Jesus, the price for all sin was fully paid! Nothing can separate you from God anymore, no sin can control you, and no sickness can have authority over your life, because God Himself lives in you!...
Mark 16:18 says, “They will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” The Lord has promised this in His Word. Believe in His Word, and if you know someone who needs healing today, go and put your hands on that person and ask...
The highest form of learning, and the least expensive, is to learn from others. The lowest form is personal experience. It will always cost you time and opportunity. One industrialist said, “It’s a shame that people learn from their own mistakes rather than from others. By...