Abraham’s Blessings are Ours!
Abraham was rich, he had all that he needed! Romans 10:12 says we all have the same Lord, Jew and Gentile, and He generously gives His riches to all who call on Him!...
Abraham was rich, he had all that he needed! Romans 10:12 says we all have the same Lord, Jew and Gentile, and He generously gives His riches to all who call on Him!...
God’s Word in your mouth on any subject carries the same weight as if Jesus Himself were speaking. Spoken in faith, it is never empty or ineffective!...
When I stand before God, I remind Him that He promised me that He is responsible to supply all of my needs (Philippians 4:19). I go before Him, not begging Him, but reminding Him saying, “Thank you Father, You promised that you would supply every need....
Faith can come to you! It comes when you hear the facts. Not the facts of what your body, your wallet, or your past is telling you—but the facts of what God’s great destiny in His Word is telling you! ...
Hebrews 4:16 tells us that we are to come boldly into the presence of God in our time of need. When we have a need we go boldly before God. “Here I am, God, You're my partner, I'm Your partner, we're doing this together. Thank...
Your words are a Super Tool that will dig you out of any hole you find yourself in. The shovel that drove you there was your tongue, and with your tongue you can dig yourself out!...
The Christian life is about seed. Not just financial seed, but every word you speak is a seed. All the time that you give is a seed. Our lives should be built upon an understanding that we are farmers—we sow seed, we sow time, we...
“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). Doubt fills the heart when the picture of God’s promise is dim. Faith in the heart rises by hearing the Word of God!...