
05 Aug

Eternal and Unchanging

“Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 3:8). He forgave sinners in the Bible, and forgives sinners today. He restored the deaf and lame people in Jerusalem, and restores the deaf and lame now where you live. He heard the prayers of people...

02 Aug

It’s Already Yours!

Your healing is already paid for! Jesus bore your sicknesses and carried your pains, and by His stripes you ARE healed (Isaiah 53:5; 1Peter 2:24). The work has ALREADY been done for you. The price has ALREADY been paid. And when the revelation and understanding...

26 Jul

Declaration of Dependence

“Lord Jesus, THANK YOU that You went to the cross and took away all of my sin. You took every form of sickness and disease upon Yourself, and You died for me. Now I see every sin, failure, fear, and problem, every weakness, sickness, tumor, and...

22 Jul

You’ve Got The Answer

When Jesus sent out the disciples, He told them the solution He planned for sick people. What was it? Their hands! Now, YOUR hands are a vehicle of His power, because He lives in you! Your hand now IS His hand, because in Christ, you...

12 Jul

Whose Side are You On?

You may be looking at healing as something phenomenal and beyond your reach. Two of the 12 spies looked at the giants in the promised land and said, “Don’t fear them, the Lord is with us! We can do this, these giants are nothing to...