Marching In or Hiding Out?
When I have a time of need, I march boldly into the throne room of God to obtain what I need. I turn the circumstances over to Him and say: “Father, no matter how I feel or how I look, no matter if sickness is...
When I have a time of need, I march boldly into the throne room of God to obtain what I need. I turn the circumstances over to Him and say: “Father, no matter how I feel or how I look, no matter if sickness is...
It seems natural to me that if I have a living God who has revealed Himself to me, that I should expect Him to get involved with my life. It’s HIS idea to be among His people! He reveals Himself as a caring God who...
Do you see that when Jesus died on the cross He took all your sins and all your sicknesses? The Lord Jesus delivered you from the devil’s captivity and gave you freedom—freedom from any kind of bondage, sickness or disease!...
Breathe the air of expectation! God has a lot to do in a little amount of time with us. Expect to see Him around the corner. Expect to hear Him and expect that He will speak through you when you open your mouth. We are...
So often our circumstances shout, “This is impossible!” “It’s over!” “You’re wasting your time!” Sometimes your closest friends or even your spouse might say, “This is stupid, what are you doing? This faith stuff isn’t working!” I plead with you—at that moment when it’s very...
The church has been very good at creating events WITHIN the church. We have wonderful food and entertainment, air-conditioning and flowers, and can teach and preach amongst ourselves without a problem. But the table we set is not supposed to be for ourselves…it is supposed...
It’s important to remember that God is happy to answer our prayers and wants to bless His children. And He wants us, His children, to rejoice in the same way a child rejoices when he receives something from his parents!...
You did not choose to be born. You didn’t choose your family, your color or your looks, but you CAN choose your future. Jesus said, “I am the way.” He did NOT say, “I am one of the ways,” or, “In my opinion, I am...