Paid in Full
Through one man, Jesus, the price for all sin was fully paid! Now, nothing can separate you from God, no sin can control you, and no sickness can have authority over your life, because God Himself lives in you!...
Through one man, Jesus, the price for all sin was fully paid! Now, nothing can separate you from God, no sin can control you, and no sickness can have authority over your life, because God Himself lives in you!...
My friend, your future is in your hands. God has already cast His vote for you. He paid for it all. He believes in you and is in you to see your miracle come to pass. He had a plan and picture of your destiny...
We are soldiers! We have the belt of truth, the shield of righteousness and shoes of peace. I will not be afraid; I know that God will answer my prayers. I know that God will not leave me. He will take care of me, because...
Each of us possesses the power of choice to determine our future. Paul said, “We, having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak” (2 Corinthians 4:13). You might feel...
In 1 Peter 5 the devil is called the adversary and is compared to a roaring lion. The devil threatens, the devil growls and tries to scare you, but he has no power over the born again believer—he can only attempt to intimidate you into fearing...
We are not designed to continually handle hard struggles, difficulty, shame, lack, stress, and failures. Jesus said, “Come unto me and I will give you rest for your souls.” Jesus said His yoke is easy and His burden light (Matt. 11:28–30)....
As human beings we possess something very different than the rest of creation. We possess the ability to forgive. No matter what the world says, you do NOT have to remain a prisoner of hatred, fear and anger!...
If you can control your thoughts, you can overcome in life. No person, spirit, or circumstance has the right or ability to control your thoughts. You are the master of your inner man! You are the captain of your soul. Learn to nurture and protect...