
08 Aug

You Have Everything You Need

Jesus is not only with the Christian but He is IN the Christian; yet many are full of fears and worries, gloom and doom—waiting for a bail out by something bigger or “better.” Only when you know and understand Who is both with you and...

05 Aug

Unwrap Him and Let Him Go!

When Jesus called Lazarus forth out of that tomb in John chapter 11, He said to the people, “Unwrap him and let him go.” Why is this important? Because many of us still wear the “clothes” of bondage to sin, sickness, disease, lack, fear, etc. But...

25 Jul

If You Didn’t Like Your Past, Make a Better Future!

My friend, your future is in your hands. God has already cast His vote for you. He paid for it all. He believes in you, and when you are born again He comes to live IN you to see your miracle come to pass. He...