Recognize Your Worth
Only humanity was created in the image of God. Only humanity was given the right and the ability and the authority to walk with the living God, to speak words as He spoke, to create as He created, and to live as He lived on...
Only humanity was created in the image of God. Only humanity was given the right and the ability and the authority to walk with the living God, to speak words as He spoke, to create as He created, and to live as He lived on...
The devil tries to tell people that money is the root of all evil and that it’s better for you if you don’t have it—otherwise you’ll become proud and fall into sin (1 Timothy 6:10). But notice, the Bible does NOT say that money is...
Millions of people around the globe today, even a couple of billion, celebrate this Christmas Christ who lives in the heart. Remember, the God who is the creator of the universe and all that we see, He’s NOT some ethereal, cosmic, mystic being. You’re not...
What have you been given that makes you rich? You have been given righteousness, which gives you a new self-image. You have been given eternal life, which gives you perspective and purpose. You also have been given authority, which is the right to exercise power...
Born again believers are the temple of the living God, as God has said, “I will dwell in them and walk in them and I will be their God and they shall be my people” (1 Corinthians 6:16). Wow! We walk, He’s dwelling in us;...
We are told over and over in the Scriptures not to worry, fret, or have anxiety about anything, but to trust in God. Why? Because our physical bodies are not designed to handle too much stress. We are designed to live fear-free and stress-free! ...
According to Colossians 1:27, “Christ now lives in you.” Where is the presence of God? I’m not looking over here or over there, I am relishing His abundance and living in the glory of His love and His life and His Spirit in me right...
Faith to see the miraculous springs from your inner peace. How do we hear and have confidence in our path? The Bible says “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). Taking time each day to sit quietly with your heavenly Father, listening...