Pull Up a Chair
Jesus said in John 6:35, “I am the bread of life, and whoever comes to me will never hunger, and the one who believes on me will never thirst.” Have you pulled up to the table today and taken hold of the promises that God...
Jesus said in John 6:35, “I am the bread of life, and whoever comes to me will never hunger, and the one who believes on me will never thirst.” Have you pulled up to the table today and taken hold of the promises that God...
Our tongue is the unseen part of our body that plants the seeds for future harvests. It is guiding us to either a safe harbor, or to destruction. What we say of ourselves, our relationships, and our future is more prophetic of our life than...
Moses sent twelve men to spy out the land. Ten of the spies saw themselves as mere grasshoppers in the sight of the giants that lived in the land. But two of the spies had a different perspective. They saw the giants through God’s eyes...
The scriptures tell us in Ephesians 1:3 that there is another source for all that we need on earth, and it is found in the spirit realm. It’s not sitting up there in heaven waiting for you to get there, it is in your born...
Scripture tells us in the book of Hebrews that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. What does that mean for you? That means that if 2,000 years ago He healed, He forgave sin, He died for one person—then throughout all of time...
God confirmed your value by sending what was most precious and valuable to Him to purchase you, His Son. Your value is not based on your past or your performance, but on your purchase price, which will always be the blood of Jesus!...
What difficulties are you facing today? Difficult times require strong faith, and difficult times produce champions! I think of Noah who built an ark when no one understood rain or recognized the flood ahead of them. We can build an ark through our prayers and...
There are millions who are born again, but their lives don’t reflect it because they were never grounded in the value and life-changing importance of what they have just received. Salvation is a wonder and a miracle! If you don't understand salvation, then you won't...