Believe in Your Future!
If I were to put a bunch of apple seeds into your hand you would probably get a picture of what could be produced from them. The same is true if I filled your hands with turtle eggs. If I were to put the seed of...
If I were to put a bunch of apple seeds into your hand you would probably get a picture of what could be produced from them. The same is true if I filled your hands with turtle eggs. If I were to put the seed of...
I have traveled to many countries of the world and have preached in many places. I have seen many, many miracles and many people being healed. Some individuals were healed because someone else laid hands on them and prayed, others were healed because there was...
The medical field has changed in the last 30 years. It now considers that many illnesses have their cause in psychosomatic origins. That means that their sources are in the thought processes of man. Many of today’s illnesses are rooted in the negative, worrisome, fearful...
Jesus Christ is the only spiritual leader in history Who performs wonders, signs, and miracles to give evidence of the truth of His words. The founders of ancient and modern religions are dead and cannot confirm their teachings from beyond their tombs. Jesus Christ is the...
In the darkness of this world, we need a North Star. We need a fixed point to guide us through the night. We need something that will not change. People change, denominations change, economies change, governments change, and religions change—but Jesus does not change. He...
November 2016 “Verily, verily, I say unto you, whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it to you. Hitherto have you asked nothing in my name: ask, and you shall receive, that your joy may be full” (John 16:23-24). I love this...
November 2016 Jesus came to reveal not only Who God is, but who we are. Here are a few revelations that the Scriptures give us about Who Jesus is and how much we—all of us—are like Him: “[Now] He [Christ] is the exact likeness of the unseen...
Because Jesus now lives in us, we are privileged to feel what He feels and see what He sees. When we were preaching in Bashkortostan, a blind woman came to the edge of the platform during the final prayer. Wonderful testimonies happened of deaf and crippled...