
13 May

Dangerous Diversions

What you focus on is what will impact your life. When Peter overcame the fear-filled boat by looking at Jesus and acting on His word, Peter walked on water. For a moment he was the happiest man alive—until he diverted his focus back to the...

10 May

Forgiven and Free

Jesus paid every penalty and removed every judgement that was against us. He was wounded and crushed for our sins. He was beaten that we might have peace. By the stripes He received on the whipping post, we were healed! “The Lord has taken away the judgments...

06 May

Sow to Grow

Many people, including some preachers, say that God is completely sovereign and therefore whatever happens is His will. But does a farmer reap what God sows? What kind of crop will the farmer get if he takes the year off and just tells God he...

03 May

Walking Through the Flames

When King Nebuchadnezzar observed the three Hebrew children in the flames of the fire he threw them into for not bowing to his image, he was shocked to see a fourth man walking in the flames with them (Daniel 3:25). Regardless of the kind of...

29 Apr

Love Your Life

Don’t waste your precious gift of speech by declaring that you’re in agreement with evil, failure, depression, sickness, or fear. Regardless of how bad circumstances may look in the natural, you aren’t required to participate in them. Why? Because you are redeemed and are now...

22 Apr

The Adventure of Faith

As believers, faith is a lifestyle we are all called to embrace. Three times in the New Testament we are told “The just shall live by faith” (Rom. 1:17; Gal. 3:11; Heb. 10:38). What does that mean? It means that our decisions are not solely...