
03 Mar

New Creation Demonstration

When you allow Christ to transform your life through His Word, you’ll start to experientially know what it means to abide in Him and Him in you. You’ll begin to demonstrate the life a new creation is meant to live in the earth, and the...

27 Feb

Out With the Old, In With the New

When you speak what God says, meditating on the verses and allowing the Lord to write them on your heart, the power of His Word works in you and through you to push out the wrong thinking habits of the old man. Eventually there’s no...

24 Feb

It’s All Yours

If you are a follower of Christ, then you have His life in you and everything included with it. You have His model of supernatural life, His expectation of answered prayer, His righteous stand before God without shame, guilt, or sin, His heart for lost...

21 Feb

Declaring the Gospel of the Kingdom

Because you have the Spirit of God in you—you’re in Christ and He’s in you—you are now the light of the world. You have the dominion and are called to decree the gospel of the kingdom—what Jesus accomplished—and are to speak it so captives are...

17 Feb

Living in the NOW

Our New Creation life holds no uncertainty about our future, or of any repercussions from our past. We live in the NOW, allowing GOD to work in us and transform us into the image of Christ.  “And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and...

14 Feb

Your Bill Has Been Paid

Jesus took ALL the punishment necessary to secure your peace. All your sin, the evil, the sickness, the disease, the mental anguish—it all went upon Him. That means there is NOTHING in this earth that comes from the devil—sickness, disease, evil, oppression, poverty, bondage—that Jesus...

10 Feb

Will The Real You Please Stand Up?

You’ll never rise above the view you have of yourself. That little movie screen in your mind that keeps showing your mistakes and weaknesses of the past has to go, because that’s NOT who you are anymore! When you were born again and became a...

07 Feb

Redeemed and Restored

When you put all the promises of God from His Word together, that is what salvation means. The blessing of God, being in Christ in the Father, living in and from Him—that’s what you have—every single one of His promises! You’ve been redeemed and restored!...