12 Jun 3 Greatest Virtues – Dr. Leslie McNulty
Kevin and I have intensified our prayer for you, along with our team members, because of all the difficulties we are facing as people of color, people of the uniform, business owners, health care workers and so many, many, more. We are living in tragic times but we have opportunity to arise above the tragedy as we embrace God’s Love Plan. Our team felt it appropriate to release the message the Lord gave me on the opening night of our first Tent Nation festival in Daytona Beach, FL as encouragement during this hour.
I believe this is a message in season. America has lost her bearings and we are in a battle for the soul of America! Only when Faith, Hope and Love are restored as the primary virtues that guide every one of our actions and decisions can we arise above racial prejudice and violence against authorities and our neighbors. It is this living Jesus, living out his life through thousands of believers across this nation that can bring an end to hostility, anger and greed!
Over the years, many of our partners have been affected by racial injustice and many of our partners are fighting for their businesses in our inner cities. LET’S RISE UP AS ONE VOICE DECLARING NEW HOPE FOR TOMORROW, FAITH IN HUMANITY AND LOVE FOR EACH OTHER!
In the message above I share the THE THREE GREATEST VIRTUES for any nation, any church, or any individual. When the president of Costa Rica heard this message he said, “I believe these are the three greatest virtues for any nation: Faith, Hope and Love!” (1Corinthians 13)
Tonight, I begin with HOPE. What is hope? Hope is the picture that we have of our nation, of God, and of our people.
What does hope produce for any nation? Hope produces expectation, a desire that we can have a better future. Would anyone at this meeting tonight (or reading this message today) say, “We want a better future for the United States of America”?
Hope begins with God, because the picture of hope is painted as we begin to understand not only who He is but who He has created us to be.
The second virtue is FAITH. What is faith? To more clearly understand faith, we want to remember that hope is the picture that we hang our faith on and faith is the action that we put to the picture that we’ve received from God.
We were in Kazakhstan and the mufti, the Islamic leader of that area came into the tent celebration, where there was singing, dancing, and youth performances. He came up afterwards, and took the microphone as the leader of the city, and as he looked out at the crowd he said these words, “If only in our mosques we could have the life, the joy, the hope, the expression that you have here in this tent and in these young people. Our Mosque is empty. You have something that we do not have.”
We were in one of the French African nations and our mentor, who’s now gone on to be with the Lord, Dr. TL Osborn, who started over one hundred thousand churches globally, along with Kevin and I, were meeting with an African president. Often when we travel, the local organizers will want us to have audience with the president of the nation because the president can open up the door for tremendous things to happen.
At the time of this particular meeting, Dr. TL Osborn was already close to 80 years old and the president of that nation was already over 80 years old. So the president said to Dr. TL., “I’m too old to lie, and you’re too old to come here.” He paused and then said, “So, why are you here?” The luxury of many years of life is when a leader begins to realize that he’s too old to lie, (possibly because death is very near at hand). The President stated it again, “Dr. TL, you are too old to come all the way across the world to my nation so what do you want my people to know?” Dr. TL simply said, “I have come to your nation for one purpose and one purpose alone. I have come to your nation to give your people hope.”
The president then called his vice assistant over, and said, “Although I am a Muslim publicly (possibly the lie he had held for so many years), in my heart I am a Christian.” And he told his vice minister, “You put these meetings on every form of radio and television. Everything that they need, you get it out across the nation.” It was so amazing what transpired that even as we were attempting to leave the nation, as the airlines attendants were shouting at us because of delays in our arrival due to government formalities we looked to the monitors, and there I was! They were continuing to broadcast our meetings across the nation. There I was life-size in the airport monitors! The local media continued to run the messages for days on in.
The message of hope is life-changing. It causes us to lift up our eyes and to look farther than we have before. It places a smile on our face, and gives us the ability to say in the midst of troubling times, we believe, “All things are possible!” So fellow Americans, I would say to you, “Who is Christ to us in this hour— in this country? Is He simply a relic of the past? Is He a story trapped in the pages of tradition? Or… Is He the God of the living temple? My temple, your temple, my body, your body, for He is alive in you and me!
We our praying, Lord, may our hearts be stirred up with faith in a new hope for America, where love is the banner flying in our cities and in our hearts!
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