Dear Friend,
Leslie and I, together with you, make a wonderful team! Each of us has a great part in God’s unfolding dream for humanity, and together we are all doing something special. Woodrow Wilson said: “Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.” Our partnership is part of the solution.
Over the years we have crossed many milestones. Like a marathon runner who never looks back, we still see that the best is yet to come. We thank you for running this race with us! People sometimes ask, “How is it possible that you have come this far?” We always answer as Paul answered concerning his true partner, Titus, “If anyone inquires about Titus, he is my partner and fellow worker concerning you. Or if our brethren are inquired about, they are messengers of the churches, the glory of Christ” 2 Cor: 8:23 NKJV
Your future is not a mystery. If we really believe that what we are planting today is what we will see tomorrow, then we will plant what we want to see. In God‘s economy, He gives us the opportunity to send our blessings ahead. He counts souls as the most precious thing on earth, and those who win souls as the most wise. YOU WIN SOULS WHEN YOU SEND A REPRESENTATIVE TO SPEAK GOD‘S WORD TO THOSE WHO HAVE NOT HEARD!
Some people look at the next frontier and ask, “Is it possible?” Yet faith looks beyond the border to the miracle on the other side and finds a way. Thank you for looking with us to the new possibilities. Let it be said that this is our finest hour!!
Every gift to this ministry makes the Gospel available to thousands of lives through the 100-plus evangelism events that will be conducted by us and our associate evangelists this year.
Your Friends and Partners in a Global Quest,
Drs Kevin and Leslie McNulty