The Posture of Confidence

14 Aug The Posture of Confidence

When I walk out the airplane door and onto the airport runway to face a crowd of people who have been waiting, planning, and expecting good things from my visit, I am the embodiment of hope for that nation.

I am not concerned about how many witch doctors have planned to put curses on me. I am not concerned about how many news articles the religious hierarchy may have paid for to give negative press to our coming.

Rather, I posture my thoughts to be a blessing. I consider the great prophecies that have gone before us concerning the day that we live in. I consider the great promises that Jesus has spoken concerning those who go in His Name. I consider the great need of hurting humanity and the goods news that God has paid the price to meet that need.

These are the things that inspire me as I consider traveling thousands of miles to stand in front of the lost, sick, poverty stricken and fearful society of a nation. The living church is the cure for the world and the world is the cause for the church!

Do the same as you walk out your door this morning!

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