Kevin’s Miracle Christmas Memory

25 Dec Kevin’s Miracle Christmas Memory

It’s an exciting time of year – a time of decorations, baking, lights, and of course, Christmas gifts!

There is another very special aspect of this season – it’s what the angels said, Behold, unto you a Savior is born. Good will towards all of mankind. Christmas is indeed a miracle.

When Kevin was a young boy, his father passed away, leaving eight children. For the grieving family, it looked as if there would be no gifts for Christmas that year.

On Christmas morning however, as the family awoke not expecting any gifts at all, they found on the front porch a giant box of presents for all eight children. It was truly a miracle Christmas for all.

Today, the greatest miracle gift of all is Jesus. May He be at the very center of your Christmas. May He be the focus of all and may you realize how meaningful your gift to the nations has been.

…And so from our hearts to yours, we say, Merry Christmas!

Leslie, Kevin and the Christian Adventures staff

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