20 Dec Feeling Out of Place?
One of the greatest miracles of all came at a moment in time when Joseph a humble carpenter was feeling out of place. He could not find lodging in Bethlehem for his pregnant wife. The filth of the animal stall, the call of the Roman census and the birth pains of his pregnant wife filled Joseph’s senses. Yet, in the midst of this trial the Angels of Heaven would visit, the shepherds would gather and the kings would bow at the feet of a New Born King. Wherever life finds you today there is Good News! If you feel out of place in today’s world, if you feel like you have misplaced your destiny, or replaced it with an ordinary “just get by” existence, you might just be in the company of kings!
There is a place where nothing is impossible for you. There is a place where sickness cannot stay. There is a place where you are equipped with more than enough to answer every need of every good work. There is a place where peace, dignity and love rule in your daily walk. There is a place where Emmanuel – “God with us” meets each person who calls upon his name!
Jesus is inviting you to stand when you might be feeling out of place just like Joseph. That place is not far from you. It is called the Kingdom of God. Jesus said it is at hand. Paul said it is within you!
When you call on Jesus, remember He comes to live in you, and He makes you the place where all things are possible!
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