Where’s the Works?

30 Oct Where’s the Works?

The church has settled for a knowledge of the miracle worker without the miracles.

Years ago there was a Wendy’s Hamburgers commercial where a little white haired lady famously demanded: “WHERE’S THE BEEF??”  Where are the works?  Have we settled for a meatless hamburger?

If Jesus needed miracles to validate His ministry, how much more do you need miracles to validate your ministry?  Why should someone of another religion leave their religion and accept your Jesus as the way and the truth?  They have a black book and you have a black book.  They have morals and you have morals.  They have a history and you have a history. What do you have that they don’t have?

The answer is a living Jesus and the proof of that is miracles.  Christianity is the only form of worship in the world that can be validated by miracles that no witch doctor or psychologist can duplicate.  The whole history of God’s intervention in the affairs of mankind as recorded in Hebrew scripture is that of miraculous intervention.

Jesus continued the tradition of miracles and we as His followers after Him continue in this same fashion!

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