Listen and Live

12 Jul Listen and Live

In order to lead in the prosperous way we need to pick up God’s signals. Our lives are not our own. True prosperity is discovering God’s specific direction and acting on it. His ways avert us from catastrophe. Refusing to listen or act on his leading can prove to be costly.

A Spirit-filled friend of mine, who keeps large sums of money in the stock market, kept receiving an unction in his heart to pull his money out, but he delayed for two weeks. He woke up on “Black Monday” to discover one of the greatest stock falls in history and lost $80,000 that day. After the event he said that he had recognized God’s warnings, but he had not trusted himself to act on them. 

Years ago in Tulsa, Oklahoma I was driving my friend’s car in the parking lot of a big mall when I heard my inner man tell me to hit the brakes. I acted spontaneously, and within a second a car flashed by right in front of me. Ten minutes later I heard the same unction and I braked in the midst of major traffic. Seconds later a major pile-up of vehicles occurred directly in front of me. Happily, I missed it by a few inches because I had already slowed down. My response to His nudging saved me and all those behind me. 

I’m convinced that Christians could avoid most accidents by being more sensitive to the One whose job it is to show us things to come.

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